Browin Przepiśnik - Meat and vegetable cauldron

Meat and vegetable cauldron



One-pot dishes offer a tasty idea for a quick meal. With a cast-iron cauldron, you can prepare delicious vegetable and meat stews, pork neck, various kinds of meat and vegetable dishes (including prażonki, pieczonki and duszonki), and soups. 

A weekend in the countryside, feasting together and a campfire over which you can enjoy the juicy meats and other one-pot dishes cooked in the cauldron. This is something to look forward to after a full week at work. Relax and save time during the preparation so that you can enjoy your free time with the unique flavour of food made over the fire. The hunter’s cauldron is sure to add unique style to your backyard and take your barbecue to the next level. 

See for yourself what delicious things you can conjure up in it! 

Cauldron stew recipe


Meat and vegetable cauldron

Dice the meat and vegetables. Place the cauldron over a low heat. Add 3 tablespoons of oil to the bottom of the cauldron, then drop the meat into it to fry. Once it is slightly browned, put all the remaining ingredients into the cauldron and pour wine over the whole thing.Meat and vegetable cauldron

Simmer covered, stirring every 15 minutes. After an hour, add the spices and herbs and braise the dish for another hour on a low heat. Towards the end of stewing, add tomato paste and season again to taste if necessary.

Meat and vegetable cauldron

Meat and vegetable cauldron

...because homemade is better!

meat and vegetable cauldron

one-pot dishes

cast-iron cauldron

stew recipe

weekend in the country